Fluffee gives his opinions about a boy who became a father at the age of 13. Watch the youtube video and answer the following questions:
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pirfXGx8oLc&NR=1
1) Who is the actual father?
2)What does Fluffee think about the 15 year girl who got pregnant?
3)What did the 13 year boy say when he discovered he was not the only candidate for paternity?
4)According to Fluffee, whose fault is it if the boy did what he did?
5) Who else it to blame for teenagers’ sex conduct according to Fluffee? Why?
6) What problem might the boy encounter when raising the baby?
7) How would Fluffee react if he learnt he had made a girl pregnant?
8) Do you agree with any of Fluffee’s opinions? Be prepared to discuss this in class